Which foreign markets are good for you?

Choose from 13 target markets
The SENTINEL team is working on a market research to find emerging markets where the hospitality sector is expected to clearly grow during next years. The first evaluation has been finished and we identified 13 countries. Now we are going to check the level of interest of the SMEs in these 13 countries, to make a selection of 4 priority markets.
“Interest of Markets” survey
Do you work for a European Small or Medium Enterprise?
Does your company operate in the field of architecture and building, energy efficiency, water management, or ICT?
Is your company interested in in the hospitality sector in foreign countries?
Fill out the survey
(4 questions, 5 minutes estimated time)
Your participation at the survey is essential to guarantee that the markets selected to be explored within the project are relevant for an high number of SME members of our clusters and to allow us to understand their priorities on this sector.
Check out relevant indicators
The survey includes 13 pre-selected countries, that have been selected taking into account secondary data coming from international organisations in terms of forecasting growth of the tourism, market size, economic development in the country and level of investment (public and private).
You can find a short presentation that includes relevant indicators, in the following link: (not available anymore)
This information could be useful to you for a better understanding of this markets and to determine your level of interest of each one.
Fill out the survey now